re-Happenings 08.30.2023

Sending again because a few peeps said they didn’t receive it?  sorry for the dups if you did receive it.  Thank you!!  
KofC Clubhouse
—– Forwarded Message —– From: K of C Clubhouse <>To: KOFC CLUBHOUSE <>Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2023 at 03:30:35 PM EDTSubject: Happenings 08.30.2023
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| | | Hello there everybody!   Womp, womp, the pool season is coming to an end……..booooo.  BUT we have a beautiful Labor Day weekend ahead to celebrate the end of “summer”!!     I hope you found your tent so the family can camp out all weekend!  The bathrooms will be open all weekend throughout the night.Let’s start with the Friday night dinner special – CRAB CAKES!  Perfect meal for the “end of summer”!   Crab cakes, roasted red potatoes, veggies and a surprise dessert for $20.00!!  Please pre-order here: The pool will open at Noon Saturday, Sunday and Monday.  Bill Judd will be spinning tunes Sunday and Monday.  The men’s softball league will be playing for the Championship Sunday and Monday too!  Kids games, egg toss, etc on Monday.  Snack bar will be open Sunday and Monday.   Check out the Grove for a spontaneous corn hole tournament or some RLC!   On Saturday evening there is Bar Bingo in the Clubhouse.  Kitchen opens at 6:00 pm.   Mass at 9:00 am Sunday morning with breakfast to follow.  
LOTS of events coming up to look forward to!  Flyers are attached.  Please share with your family and friends!   September 9th the pool will re-open for one very last Adult Swim Party!  super fun, please plan to attend!   The weekend of September 15th is a busy one at the Clubhouse!  To start, Friday night the Grasso Brothers band will be playing inside the Clubhouse.  They play Rock and Soul with a bit of Fund and Reggae.  Covers and Original.  They really are awesome, I hope you get a chance to hear them!   On Saturday September 16th it is our Annual POINT 1 K that benefits the Maryland Special Olympics.  Please find the flyer and register today!  The incredible event was started 10 years ago by PGK Patrick Macy and we look forward to it every year!  What is a POINT 1 K you ask?   It is a rigorous  run or walk.  or crawl if you want to,  lol, from the top of the parking lot ALL THE WAY to the bottom of the parking lot.  1 or 2 stops along the way to quench your thirst.  A fun picnic follows.  Fantastic family event!   Sunday, September 17th is PG Council 2809 Annual Crab Feast!  We look forward to this fun event each year too!  AUCE steamed crabs, cold beer or soda, roast beef, corn on the cob, green beans, hot dogs, sauerkraut and home made crab soup!  Tickets are at the Clubhouse, please stop by or give Mary Fran Lintner a call at 301-335-3106.  The Crab Feast is from 2:00 – 5:00 pm.  Get the whole family together!  Commanders play at 4:25.   Clubhouse will be open on Sunday’s starting September 10th.   Please mark your calendar for a Cornhole Tournament, Saturday, October 28th. flyer attached.  This tournament is sponsored by a local girl’s softball team “Hit it Weird”.   Well, with the pool closing that only means one thing………………….shuffleboard starts!  The league will start the week of September 11th on Tuesday or Thursday evening.  Need an excuse to get out of the house with your bff?  Play shuffleboard!!  Maybe you and your hubby or wife need an excuse for date night?  What can be better than shuffleboard??  (LOL)  If you have questions, ask the friendly bartender (or who ever is behind the bar – hahahaha) or give PGK Doug Amann a call at 301-440-1639. Lastly, a HUGE THANK YOU goes to PGK Tim Keifline and his lovely wife Susan for all their thankless hard work getting the pool ready, maintained, lifeguards hired, membership cards printed, accounting, and I’m sure a bunch more things that I’m missing.  Tim and Susan have been managing the pool since post-Covid and have done an outstanding job, but they are stepping down next year.  With that being said, the Board will be looking for help next year.  Please talk with Jimmy Lintner over the weekend if you can help out with any of the “parts” that go into running the pool.  “Many hands make light work”  This idiom is perfect for this situation.   Jimmy’s number is 301-646-2344.   That’s all for now, hope to see you this weekend!!  Stay safe and have fun!  
KofC Clubhouse |
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