Happenings 05.07.24

Hello there everybody!    I hope you’ve been happy and healthy!   Where the heck did this humidity come from??  It’s not July!! haha 18 more days ’till the pool is open – YAY!!  There’s still some work that needs to be completed though – please see the attached flyer if you can take a few hours out of your day Saturday and help out!  It is needed and much appreciated!  Also attached is the pool membership form.  CAN’T WAIT!   Interested in playing in the men’s softball league on Sunday’s?  Please text or call Jim Lintner 301-646-2344. The count down begins for Summer Camp!!!    The Knights of Columbus 2809 Summer Camp continues into it’s 25th (??) year!  Please see the attached forms for information and we welcome our new director, Hilary Beall!    I know my kids always looked forward to camp each summer, lots of activities, swimming and making new friends!  Lots of fun!   It was a fierce Shuffleboard League Championship, but Tuesday night prevailed and beat Thursday night 3 games to 2.  Big congratulations to Christopher Milhorn and William Melgar as the reigning 2023-2024 Shuffleboard Champs!  They will be crowned at the Shuffleboard Banquet on June 7th.    With the pool opening soon, it’s time to think about your children joining the award winning AquaKnight Swim Team!  Practice usually starts the first week of June.  Have some concerns?  Have a chat with one of our friendly bartenders!  Most were either 1) on the swim team, 2) had kids on the swim team 3) know about the swim team! Please see the attached flyer for the May 15th fundraiser at Mama Lucia’s!   Taco Tuesday is May 14th. Thank you to everyone who donated their blood and time last Monday at the Red Cross Blood Drive!   The Friday night dinner special is Matt’s Meatloaf, veggies and dessert for $20.00 (it’s enough for two meals, btw)  Please pre-order (if you can) here:    https://t.ly/h-cg0  or https://tinyurl.com/yuzhnzwx I can’t think of much else, I hope it’s a great rest of your week and I hope we see each other soon!  

KofC Clubhouse kofcclub@aol.com