Happenings 02.19.24

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| | | Hi there everybody!  I hope you had a great weekend, and got to enjoy 3 days off from work!   We have a bit of happenings coming up, so go refill your beverage and sit back and jot these dates down!  hahaha Taco Tuesday is tomorrow!  Kitchen opens at 6:00 pm. Beef and/or chicken and fresh chips with a fixins’ bar.  Leave dinner to us Tuesday night!  Also on Tuesday is virtual trivia!  Starts at 7:00 pm.  Lots of fun, give it a try.   Tuesday evening is also the Ladies Auxiliary meeting in the Clubhouse.  This replaces the meeting that was scheduled from last Saturday.   Shuffleboard continues on Tuesday and Thursday nights, this will wrap up in April.   A message from the Seniors Club: The next Seniors Meeting is Wednesday, February 28th.  This will be a Potluck Lunch and the Club will provide dessert.At the meeting on February 28th, we will discuss the possibility of hosting residents from the Little Sisters of the Poor for a Pizza Party followed by games of chance.  Bingo, Blackjack, etc. Seniors Club Members will provide prizes of varied toiletries.  This will take place at our meeting on April 24th.Also the March 27th Meeting will be cancelled due to Holy Week.  If you want to come out that evening,  St. James Holy Name Society is having a Seder Meal (featuring Leg of Lamb prepared by Matt O’Hare).  This is fashioned after the Jewish tradition with songs and readings from the Bible.  For more information, contact Dick Bissell @ 301-325-9603. The Friday night food special is Steamed Shrimp with dessert.  $15 for 1 lb.  $8 for a 1/2 lb. please pre-order here:  Online Survey Software | Qualtrics Survey Solutions
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The Queen of Hearts is over $3250!  It is pulled every Saturday at “half-time” of Bar Bingo!  You can purchase Queen of Heart tickets all week long from your friendly bartender.  Bar Bingo starts at 7:30 every Saturday night, hope to see you there!  
The Ladies Auxiliary is having a spaghetti dinner special on Sunday, February 25th.  Please see the attached flyer.   The Council 2809 St. Patrick’s Day party and fundraiser is Sunday, March 10th starting at 2:00 pm with the silent suction ending at 6:00 pm.  Always a festive event, I hope you can make it!  Start looking for that one green shirt……. The Irish – American Club is sponsoring the Sean Fleming Band to entertain at our Knights of Columbus on Saturday, March 16th.  Please see the attached flyer.  All tickets must be purchased by March 9th.   Well, that’s it for now!  I hope this week is fantastic for you and that we see you soon!  Stay healthy!  KofC Clubhouse kofcclub@aol.com |
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